Cesky Krumlov Klenot jihu Cech

Český Krumlov – Klenot jihu Čech


Český Krumlov Castle

Český Krumlov Castle is the second largest castle complex in the Czech Republic, located in the picturesque town of Český Krumlov. The castle dates back to the 13th century and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the castle’s interiors, including the Baroque theatre, Castle Museum, and Castle Tower with stunning views of the town and surrounding countryside.

Practical information: The castle is open to visitors from April to October. Guided tours in various languages are available. Don’t miss the unique Baroque theatre with its original stage machinery.

Český Krumlov Square

The historic square in Český Krumlov is a bustling hub of activity, lined with colorful Renaissance and Baroque buildings. The square is home to shops, cafes, and restaurants offering a taste of Czech cuisine. Visitors can also admire the town hall tower and the Marian Plague Column.

Practical information: The square is pedestrian-friendly and perfect for leisurely strolls. Visit the square during the summer for outdoor performances and markets.

Egon Schiele Art Centrum

The Egon Schiele Art Centrum is dedicated to the famous Austrian painter Egon Schiele, who lived and worked in Český Krumlov for a short period. The museum showcases a collection of Schiele’s drawings, paintings, and sculptures, offering insight into the artist’s life and work.

Practical information: The museum is open year-round and hosts temporary exhibitions. Check the current program for special events and workshops.

Vltava River Rafting

Rafting on the Vltava River is a popular outdoor activity in Český Krumlov, offering a unique perspective of the town and its surroundings. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely rafting trip or opt for a more adventurous whitewater rafting experience. The river also provides opportunities for fishing and kayaking.

Practical information: Rafting tours are available from spring to autumn. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen for a day on the water.

Eggenberg Brewery

The Eggenberg Brewery is a historic brewery in Český Krumlov, known for producing traditional Czech beers. Visitors can take a guided tour of the brewery to learn about the brewing process and sample different beer varieties. The brewery’s beer garden is a great spot to relax and enjoy a cold pint.

Practical information: Brewery tours include beer tastings and should be booked in advance. Check the brewery’s website for tour schedules and prices.

Český Krumlov Castle Theatre

The Český Krumlov Castle Theatre is one of the oldest and best-preserved Baroque theatres in the world. The theatre still hosts performances, including operas, ballets, and concerts. Visitors can attend a show or take a guided tour to see the intricate stage machinery and historical costumes.

Practical information: Check the theatre’s schedule for upcoming performances and events. Tickets can be purchased online or at the box office.

Český Krumlov Museum

The Český Krumlov Museum is housed in a former Jesuit monastery and showcases the history and culture of Český Krumlov. The museum’s exhibits cover topics such as medieval crafts, aristocratic life, and the town’s development over the centuries. Visitors can also explore the museum’s beautiful Baroque garden.

Practical information: The museum is open year-round, with extended hours in the summer. Admission includes access to the museum and garden.

Český Krumlov Castle Gardens

The Český Krumlov Castle Gardens are a series of terraced gardens overlooking the town and the Vltava River. The gardens feature manicured lawns, flower beds, and sculptures, making them a tranquil spot for a leisurely stroll. Visitors can also enjoy panoramic views from the garden pavilion.

Practical information: The gardens are open seasonally and offer guided tours. Don’t miss the Baroque Revolving Auditorium, where open-air performances are held during the summer.

St. Vitus Church

St. Vitus Church is a Gothic church located in the historic center of Český Krumlov. The church’s interior is adorned with impressive frescoes, sculptures, and stained glass windows. Visitors can climb the church tower for a panoramic view of the town and surrounding countryside.

Practical information: The church is open to visitors for services and guided tours. Check the schedule for special events and concerts held in the church.

Latrán Alley

Latrán Alley is a charming cobblestone street lined with historic buildings, shops, and cafes. The alley connects the castle area with the town center and offers a glimpse into Český Krumlov’s medieval past. Visitors can wander along the alley, admire the architecture, and shop for local souvenirs.

Practical information: Latrán Alley is pedestrian-friendly and perfect for exploring on foot. Stop by the local shops to purchase traditional Czech handicrafts and gifts.

Nejčastější dotazy turistů

Kdy je nejlepší čas navštívit Český Krumlov?

Nejlepší čas k návštěvě Českého Krumlova je na jaře a v létě, kdy je počasí příjemné a zahrady a památky jsou v plné kráse.

Je nutné si koupit vstupenky do památek předem?

Pro některé památky jako Český Krumlov Castle je doporučeno si vstupenky rezervovat předem, zejména v letních měsících.

Existují průvodcové v cizím jazyce?

Ano, v Českém Krumlově jsou dostupné průvodcovské prohlídky v různých jazycích, včetně angličtiny a němčiny.

Je možné se dostat do Českého Krumlova veřejnou dopravou?

Ano, Český Krumlov je dobře dostupný vlakem a autobusem z větších českých měst jako Praha a České Budějovice.

Kde se nachází nejlepší restaurace v Českém Krumlově?

Nejlepší restaurace v Českém Krumlově se nacházejí v historickém centru poblíž náměstí. Doporučujeme vyzkoušet tradiční česká jídla a piva.


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